Non-Discrimination Policy
Equal opportunity and affirmative action are integral to employment and education at Chatham University because we recognize that the University’s present and future strength is based primarily on people and their skills, experience, and potential to develop, no matter what their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other legally protected status. The University will not tolerate any form of discrimination on these bases (i.e., race, national origin, disability) including different treatment, and prohibits retaliation against those who file complaints about discrimination or who participate in the investigation of such complaints.
Additional Details
Equal opportunity and affirmative action are integral to employment and education at Chatham University because we recognize that the University’s present and future strength is based primarily on people and their skills, experience, and potential to develop. The University has a policy of equal opportunity employment, educational opportunities, admissions, and affirmative action that is broad in scope and supported at all levels of the University.
In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Chatham does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression in its employment practices or its educational programs or activities. The University also prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, as part of its education programs or activities. Reports of misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and concerns about non-compliance should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.
The President’s office, with the assistance of the Human Resources office, will monitor to ensure compliance with the affirmative action policies of the University.
Chatham University has adopted this policy on a strictly voluntary basis. The existence of this policy should not be construed as an admission by the University in whole or in part, that in fact members of protected groups have been or are presently being underutilized, concentrated, or discriminated against in any way by the University in violation of federal, state or local fair employment practice laws.
General Procedure for Discrimination Grievances:
- The grievant must complete a confidential incident reporting form to inform the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources for faculty and staff, or the Vice President of Student Affairs for students for any allegation. The information on the form is helpful for these administrators to provide guidance on the process. If the allegation does not meet the definition of discrimination, it could then be referred to a joint conference for all parties for educational/restorative purposes.
- The grievant should first discuss the grievance informally with his/her/their instructor, department chair, immediate supervisor or the office or group that made the decision in dispute. The two parties will discuss the grievance and attempt to reach a resolution on an informal basis. This informal procedure should take place no more than three weeks after the occurrence of the alleged grievance. If the grievant does not feel comfortable with this step, go to Step 3. Ideally, three weeks is a goal to report after an incident to start an investigation. We understand that the employee or student may need additional time to report due to the nature of the incident and we will review these incidents on a case-by case basis.
- If the grievant is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal grievance procedure or prefers to skip the second step, he/she/they may appeal to the Vice President for Student Affairs for grievances filed by students or the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources for grievances filed by faculty and staff. For this appeal, the grievance will be written. The respondent will also submit a written statement detailing the events of the informal procedure and their response to the grievance. These materials should be submitted within two weeks following the informal procedure. After reviewing the written materials and conferences separately with each of the involved parties, the appropriate administrator will render a decision in writing to all parties on the matter within one week of the conclusion of the conferences.
- If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision of the appropriate administrator, he/she/they may appeal, within one week, to the Interim Chief Operations Officer for staff, or the Interim Chief Academic Officer for faculty and students, who will review the entire record of the grievance and render a final determination in writing to all parties within one week after of the conclusions of the conferences.
The University will neither engage in nor tolerate unlawful retaliation of any kind against any person who makes a complaint of unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation, serves as a witness or otherwise participates in the investigatory process. As with all other provisions of this policy, all employees are protected by this provision as well as restricted in terms of what they do. Prohibited retaliation will be handled under this policy in the same manner and subject to disciplinary/corrective action to the same degree as any other violation of this policy.
If Chatham determines that unlawful discrimination or harassment has occurred, immediate and adequate corrective action will be taken in accordance and commensurate with the circumstances involved, in order to address the discriminatory conduct of the grievant and others, if needed. Chatham will also take steps and implement corrective action policies to prevent the recurrence of any discrimination. Any officer, manager, supervisor, faculty member employee, agent, student, or other non-employee who, after appropriate investigation, has been found to have engaged in unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation and/or inappropriate behavior inconsistent with this Policy (even if not unlawful) will be subject to appropriate disciplinary and/or corrective action including, but not limited to, demotion, relinquishing leadership roles such as a committee chair, suspension without pay, and/or termination of his/ her/ their employment or other relationship with the University.
Any grievant also has the right to file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, in Washington D.C., the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. Click here for information on Chatham's Title IX Policies, Resources and Reporting Procedures.
The Honor Code of Chatham University ("Chatham" or "the University") sets forth a set of standards of student behavior and conduct that are grounded in the values embodied in Chatham's Mission and Values Statements as well as other Chatham policies and rules. Click here for information and to report potential violations of the student honor code.
For assistance/guidance navigating this policy:
For Students:
Office of Student Affairs at or (412) 365-1286.
For Faculty/Staff:
Office of Human Resources at or (412) 365-1847
For all University Affiliates:
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at